Charlotte, NC











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Total Spots Total Playing Openings Left
116 115 1

Flight Playing
Champ 12
A 23
B 32
C 29
D 17
C-W 1
D-W 1

Who's Playing
ID Player Flight Home Tour
14984 Cauthen, David  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
15755 Floyd, Chuck  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
13156 Gantt, Bruce  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
16053 Gurevitch, Gus  Champ  Augusta, GA 
11473 Hodges, Mark  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
15413 Hovis, Scott  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
13125 Johnson, Richard  Champ  Eastern NC 
13072 Martinez, Marty  Champ  Eastern NC 
13867 Seifert, Tom   Champ  Charlotte, NC 
7461 Sennett, Jerry  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
12597 Smith, Tim  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
9933 White, Anthony  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
16388 Bunn, Brian  Eastern NC 
12980 Cauthen, Billy  Charlotte, NC 
9401 Cousar, Mark  Charlotte, NC 
9959 Dail, Bob  Eastern NC 
15312 Fishback, Ken  Charlotte, NC 
12378 Gaston, Randall   Charlotte, NC 
14744 Glenn, Victor  Charlotte, NC 
14917 Gray, Ken  Eastern NC 
10111 Ide, Scott  Charlotte, NC 
12645 Kinley, Wayne  Charlotte, NC 
10535 Moffett, Johnny  Charlotte, NC 
12610 Murrow, Andy  Charlotte, NC 
13750 Newman, Chuck  Charlotte, NC 
13589 Ohrn, David  Myrtle Beach-Wilmington 
15885 Perry, Andy  Indianapolis 
8940 Phillips, Bill  Charlotte, NC 
15790 Pritt, Donnie  Eastern NC 
16000 Rice, Rory  Eastern NC 
13273 Roberts, Steve  Charlotte, NC 
14710 Safford, Jeffrey   Charlotte, NC 
16141 Small, Archie  Charlotte, NC 
15560 Tarwater, Troy  Charlotte, NC 
12620 Williams, Stuart  Southern Virginia 
9322 Adams, Johnny  Eastern NC 
9397 Alford, Gus  Eastern NC 
16469 Belcher, Chris  Charlotte, NC 
15146 Boyd, Willie  Eastern NC 
15055 Branham, Jamie  Central Carolina 
15670 Byrd, Kelvin   Charlotte, NC 
12998 Cannatti, Joe  Charlotte, NC 
10050 Elenz, Nolan  Charlotte, NC 
16157 Fagala, John  Charlotte, NC 
16082 Gaines, Brian  Southern Virginia 
12778 Hough, Bryan  Charlotte, NC 
10688 Kuehl, Dick  Central Carolina 
14134 Lane, Andy  Eastern NC 
12031 Lawrence, Vic  Charlotte, NC 
12658 Lepage, Kevin  Charlotte, NC 
12558 McDonald, Russell  Charlotte, NC 
15638 Mills, Tim  Indiana-Western KY 
11609 Mines, Charles  Charlotte, NC 
14403 Mobley, Charles  Charlotte, NC 
16250 Morris, Mark  Charlotte, NC 
15628 Myers, Michael   Charlotte, NC 
14741 Nairn, James  Myrtle Beach-Wilmington 
13933 Niven, Malcolm  Charlotte, NC 
14404 Pareso, John  Charlotte, NC 
16587 Pearson, John  Charlotte, NC 
10899 Rinaldi, John  Charlotte, NC 
15180 Sailors, Alan  Charlotte, NC 
14137 Stanfield, Billy  Eastern NC 
13895 Strickland, Mike  Southern Virginia 
7832 Surratt, Robert  Charlotte, NC 
10366 Wallace, Mike  Eastern NC 
8748 Williams, Steve  Charlotte, NC 
11237 Allen, Michael  Myrtle Beach-Wilmington 
11061 Bullock, Thomas  Eastern NC 
13102 Cash, Daniel  Charlotte, NC 
9065 Chapman, Jim  Charlotte, NC 
16046 Conrad, Tom  Charlotte, NC 
13574 Divis, John  Charlotte, NC 
14111 Dixon, Charles  Charlotte, NC 
12291 Douglas, Cooter  Charleston, SC 
13168 Garver, Randy  Charlotte, NC 
15811 Heath, Rudi  Charlotte, NC 
7595 Hinson, Larry  Charlotte, NC 
10902 James, TJ  Augusta, GA 
14691 Janotha, David  Charlotte, NC 
9342 Keddie, Dan  Charlotte, NC 
9948 Kline, John  Coastal GA 
9944 Maitland, Larry  Southern Virginia 
7597 Mayor, Sindo  Charlotte, NC 
10923 McPherson Sr., James  Central Carolina 
14389 Nivens, Gary  Charlotte, NC 
15103 O'Brien, Tony  Charlotte, NC 
9768 Potter, Bob  Southern Virginia 
15028 Reynolds, Scott  Charlotte, NC 
13210 Scott, Gregg  Charlotte, NC 
13140 Shackleford, Dallas  Eastern NC 
15570 Shannon, Patrick  Charlotte, NC 
13103 Sullivan, Jimmy  Charlotte, NC 
12855 White, Ken  Charlotte, NC 
14476 Wilson, Walter  Eastern NC 
8145 York, Jerry  Charlotte, NC 
13431 Bryant, Gerard  Eastern NC 
7964 Cefalo, Mike  Eastern NC 
12501 Dyvig, Mark  Arizona 
15879 Fox, Russell  Charlotte, NC 
9266 Gough, Steve  Charlotte, NC 
14576 Hill, Jamie  Central Carolina 
8448 Hoogeveen, Jerry  Charlotte, NC 
7571 James, Marty  Charlotte, NC 
14155 Johnson, Sherrill  Eastern NC 
10610 Keistler, Jim  Charlotte, NC 
16291 Levin, Joe  Myrtle Beach-Wilmington 
14144 Merchant, Gene  Charlotte, NC 
15471 Nun, Tom  Charlotte, NC 
12708 Skender, Skitch  Columbus, OH 
14068 Taylor, Alan  Charlotte, NC 
14479 Williams, Rat  Eastern NC 
14729 Young, Don  Charlotte, NC 
13092 Martinez, P  C-W  Eastern NC 
13380 Wicker, Joan  D-W  Central Carolina 



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