Central Carolina











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Total Spots Total Playing Openings Left
156 93 63

Flight Playing
Champ 9
A 26
B 20
C 26
D 11
D-W 1

Who's Playing
ID Player Flight Home Tour
14775 Benton, Bryan   Champ  Jacksonville FL 
14248 Carter, William  Champ  Central Carolina 
14682 Coker, Trey  Champ  Louisiana 
16233 Engelman, Mark  Champ  Central Carolina 
12874 French, Steve  Champ  Charlotte, NC 
14559 Fuller, Dale  Champ  Eastern NC 
13125 Johnson, Richard  Champ  Eastern NC 
13845 King, Brian  Champ  Coastal GA 
14117 Villanueva, Eli  Champ  Central Carolina 
10731 Anthony, Dan  Central Carolina 
12849 Averett, Ronnie   Louisiana 
14076 Basinger, Jeff  Columbus, OH 
16176 Beaver, David  Central Carolina 
7507 Bunn, Randy  Eastern NC 
9959 Dail, Bob  Eastern NC 
8068 Dirk, Alan  Central Carolina 
12678 Eastep, Danny  Charlotte, NC 
7401 Eichele, Ken  Central Carolina 
15669 Hundhammer, Paul  Central Carolina 
16130 Johnson, Dan  Central Carolina 
13692 Kokubu, Masa  Charlotte, NC 
10733 Miller, Marshall   Central Carolina 
10535 Moffett, Johnny  Charlotte, NC 
11979 Neidermeyer, Eric  Charlotte, NC 
8965 Neverve, Robin  Eastern NC 
8858 Price, Foster  Central Carolina 
15790 Pritt, Donnie  Eastern NC 
16000 Rice, Rory  Eastern NC 
15954 Ridley, Jeff  North Central Florida 
16036 Sheahan, Elvis  Eastern NC 
7848 Shelton, Wilson  Central Carolina 
12449 Storms, Keith  Jacksonville FL 
9010 Sturdivant, Craig  Eastern NC 
14835 Ton, Mike   Central Carolina 
9024 Turner, Dave  Central Carolina 
9322 Adams, Johnny  Eastern NC 
9676 Andrews, Rob  Central Carolina 
15011 Baker, Dave  Central Carolina 
10846 Banks, Andre  Charlotte, NC 
12998 Cannatti, Joe  Charlotte, NC 
15472 Cozart, Brien  Eastern NC 
12507 Fyfe, Tim  Orlando, FL 
12665 Hagerty, Mark  Central Carolina 
13903 Jaggers, Eddie  Central Carolina 
9405 Jones, Gene  Central Carolina 
10688 Kuehl, Dick  Central Carolina 
16003 Lee, Jae  Jacksonville FL 
12558 McDonald, Russell  Charlotte, NC 
10497 Miller, Carl  North Central Florida 
12164 Patterson, Jeff  Central Carolina 
12768 Pluto, Keith   Columbus, OH 
13790 Riley, Steve  Columbus, OH 
15180 Sailors, Alan  Charlotte, NC 
15576 Sheck, Dave  Columbus, OH 
14959 Teague, David  Central Carolina 
15907 Bennett, Tony  Central Carolina 
16496 Briggs, James   Eastern NC 
9065 Chapman, Jim  Charlotte, NC 
15742 Courtney, Todd  Cincinnati/Dayton 
12291 Douglas, Cooter  Charleston, SC 
7476 Eatmon, James  Mississippi 
9642 Groom, Mike  Central Carolina 
14081 Hooshangi, Jaymee  Columbus, OH 
14129 James, Mike  Charlotte, NC 
14691 Janotha, David  Charlotte, NC 
9342 Keddie, Dan  Charlotte, NC 
11910 Lewis, Dan  Central Carolina 
13226 Luckett, Carnell  Eastern NC 
13838 Martin, Greg  Central Carolina 
7597 Mayor, Sindo  Charlotte, NC 
11726 McNally, Edward  Central Carolina 
10923 McPherson Sr., James  Central Carolina 
9320 Parker, Jeff  Guest 
7767 Ricks, Wayne  Central Carolina 
10542 Rilling, Rus  Central Carolina 
13210 Scott, Gregg  Charlotte, NC 
15570 Shannon, Patrick  Charlotte, NC 
15383 Smith, James  Indianapolis 
12152 Touchton, Lee  Charlotte, NC 
10286 Warren, Patrick  Central Carolina 
12855 White, Ken  Charlotte, NC 
7443 Bleau, Neil  Jacksonville FL 
12939 Brown, Kelly  Central Carolina 
8431 Carpenter, Marty  Central Carolina 
7964 Cefalo, Mike  Eastern NC 
12501 Dyvig, Mark  Arizona 
9266 Gough, Steve  Charlotte, NC 
7571 James, Marty  Charlotte, NC 
7766 Kubla, Tom  Central Carolina 
14430 Rodriguez, Joe  Central Carolina 
11290 Rogers, Cal  Central Carolina 
15848 Watson, Eddie  Central Carolina 
13067 Smith, Sola  D-W  Central Carolina 



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