News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Walters, Segal, James and Hestikind all win at Providence!
Posted: 6/11/2014 1:29:37 PM

TPC at Piper Glen is this Monday June 16th please email me back (Yes or No) on this event.

Practice rounds are $50 Tuesday-Thursday only.

Tee Boxes for TPC Piper Glen:

Champ & A Flight: Blue Tees 

B & C Flight: White Tees

Championship Flight:

John Walters was a member at Providence for quite some time and used that knowledge well as he won on Monday with an impressive round of 2 under par 70.  Greg Powell finished in second with 73 followed by David Watterworth at 74.  Ken Powers rounded out the top four with 79.

A Flight:

Ricky Segal won for the first time this season with a one over par round of 73.  Right behind Segal was Brian Baker with his season’s best round of 74.  Rick Chapman and Jeff Hughes took third and fourth place on the card playoff over Billy Poteat, Chris Murray & Rick Albright.  All five of these players shot 75 in a very close battle in A flight on Monday.

B Flight:

Marty James wins with 78 followed by Nolan Elenz at 82 beating out Keith Davis on the card for second place money.  Pat Dolan and Bob Deaton tied at 83 with Dolan grabbing 4th place money.

C Flight:

Jim Hestikind played strong all day and won by one shot at 82.  Ray Schilling continues to improve and finished in second place at 83.  Mike Bouchon and Tom Ward tied at 84 but it was Bouchon grabbing third on the card playoff.

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