News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Bill Hall, Darryl Averyhart, Bob Talbot and Stephan N-Plotnicki all win at River Hills.
Posted: 10/10/2015 10:07:17 AM

Champ Flight:

Bill Hall wins by one at 75 followed by Jeff Brischke at 76.  Mike Gentray grabbed solo third at 77 and Mark Hodges was 4th at 79.

A Flight:

Darryl Averyhart from Columbia grabbed his first ever win at 84 followed by Mike Ringuette at 86.  Mark Gregory and Richard Boone both tied at 87

B Flight:

Bob Talbot fired a great round of 79 for the victory and Ron LaMorte grabbed second with 83.  Bob Boettner was solo third with 84 followed by Toby Tyler at 85 beating out Herb White, Curt Quigley, Malcom Phillips and Bill Maryman on the card.

C Flight:

Stephan N-Plotnicki wins by three shots with 84 and Joe Lee grabbed second with 87.  Ray Schilling fires 88 for solo third and Lloyd Morris was 4th at 91.


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