News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Mark Hodges, Bob Olsen, David Wardrop and Mark Denton all win at Northstone.
Posted: 3/24/2016 3:16:34 PM

Champ Flight:

The 2015 points champion Mark Hodges shot an even par round of 72 for his first victory of the year.  Jeff Brischke finished solo second at 75 followed by Butch English at 77 and Mike Gentry with 80.

A Flight:

Bob Olsen nipped out Bill Beal on the card for his first victory of the season.  Both Olsen and Beal fired 79’s.  Scoot Ide and Rick Chapman tied at 80 but Ide grabbed third place cash on the card.  Chapman did however win a nice skin one number one when he holed his approach shot out for en eagle 2. 

B Flight:

Newcomer David Wadrop used his home course knowledge for the victory with 78.  Kelly Quach also new to the tour finished in solo second with 79 followed by Sam Carpenter 82 and Tom Carrado at 83.

C Flight:

Mark Denton wins with 84 followed by Jim Wittersheim at 88.  Wittersheim also flew one in from the fairway for eagle his was an 8 iron on the par 5 twelfth hole.  Joe Lee was third at 90 and David Cline beat out Mike Bouchon on the card at 94.

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