News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Adam Markin, Bob Potter, Sam Carpenter and Joe Burgess all win at Irish Creek!
Posted: 5/24/2016 12:54:06 PM

Champ Flight:

Adam Markin gets his first tour win ever as he beat out Dennis McCormac on the card playoff with both shooting 73’s.  Butch English, Jeff Brischke, Anthony White and Billy Poteat all tied at 76 with English and Brischke cashing 3rd and 4th place money.

A Flight:

Bob Potter wins by only one shot with 75 followed by Bob Olsen at 76.  Mark Gregory and Tom Carbone tied at 78 with Gregory grabbing third place on the card.

B Flight:

Sam Carpenter wins at 75 over Central Carolina’s Don Puckett on the card playoff.  Steve Williams was solo third at 76 and Stan Wetmore rounded out the top 4 spots at 77.

C Flight:

Joe Burgess and Lloyd Morris both tied at 86 with Burgess winning the playoff for the victory.  Jim Wittersheim was solos third at 87 and Newcomer Ken Fontaine grabbed 4th at 89 beating out Guy Woodlief.

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