News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Jeff Brischke, Mark Greory, Bill Maryman and Jim Wittersheim all win at TPC Piper Glen!

Posted: 8/17/2016 3:35:42 PM

Champ Flight:

Four players all tied yesterday for first place at 76.  One the card playoff Jeff Brischke wins followed by David Junkins, Mike Gentry and Adam Markin.

A Flight:

Mark Gregory wins for the first time this season followed by Jeff Hughes, Johnny Moffett and Haydn Jones who all fired 79’s.

B Flight:

Bill Maryman lit it up with 79 for his victory on Monday.  Bob Boettner and Charles Mines both fired 82’s with Boettner grabbing second place money.  Ron LaMorte beat out Bill Shaw on the card for 4th place as both fired 85’s.

C Flight:

Jim Wittershein wins by only one shot with 85.  Elmer Shelley beat out Darrell Wilson on the card with both shooting 86.  This also moved Shelly up to B flight as his index dropped below C flight level.  Bill Holland beat out a host of players at 88 for 4th place.

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