News Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '" Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="readNews.aspx.vb" Inherits="_news" %> Senior Amateur Tour
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Cabarrus CC - 2/25/2019
Posted: 2/26/2019 9:06:10 AM
Cabarrus CC 2019

60 players took to the course on Monday.

In the Championship flight, Jeff Brischke (73) played steady all day to win by 1 over Brian Swenson (74).  Scott Patnode (78) takes home third.  Dan Anthony (79) takes home 4th and Mark Hodges (80) takes home 5th.

In the A Flight, Scott Ide (78) takes home victory for the 2nd straight day after partnering to win one of the divisions in the Golfweek 4 Ball event over the weekend in Myrtle Beach.  Jim Goulding (82) continues his strong play and backs up his victory at Carolina Lakes with a 2nd place finish today. Jerry Evans (82) takes home third place after losing the scorecard playoff.  Robert Surratt (85) and Wayne Kinley (85) tied for 4th but it was Surratt who wins on the scorecard playoff.

In the B Flight, Nolan Elenz (79) takes home victory for the 2nd straight day.  Yesterday, Nolan took home 1st place when he played on the Los Angeles tour yesterday.  He took the red eye home and got to the course with plenty of time to take on all comers and claim victory.  Joe Cannatti (83) takes home solo 2nd.  Bernie Loehr (85) from the Central Carolina tour takes home 3rd after a scorecard playoff with Ron Gburek.  Steve Williams (87) takes home 5th.

In the C Flight, Andre Banks (88) wins by two over Larry Hinson and Rondal Gibson, both players shooting 90.  Hinson takes second based on the scorecard playoff.  4th goes to Bill Holland (92) and solo 5th goes to Sindo Mayor (93).

Our next event takes us to Lancaster Golf Club on Wednesday March 6th.  Hopefully the weather gives us a break.  See everyone in a week.


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