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"Where Amateurs Play Like Pros"
Senior Amateur Golf Tour
Triad and Raleigh-Pinehurst Tours
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Seven Lakes
e-newsletter Summary
June 2, 2012
Congratulations to all the new the winners on the Senior Tour.
Next week you are at Seven Lakes Country Club, the course that has been voted Moore County Course of the Year three years running.
Where are you in the end-of-year Point Standing Race? Will you secure your spot to the National Tour at Pinehurst? See links at bottom of e-newsletter to see where you stand.
Rules Review question this week helps you understand when you can touch the greens and fringe with your hands and when it is not allowed. This rule can help you if you know when to use.
Check the Full Leaderboard at the bottom of the newsletter to see how you fared against the competition in your flight.
We see more of you getting comfortable with clicking and buying online from the comfort of your home and having products shipped to your door.
A new product helps reduce back and leg pain. Please click on the video link.
Other products and services will continue to be added and we know you will find these services and prices to your liking and advantage as well. Let us know what other products you would like to see added and your experience when ordering here.
Seven Lakes Country Club golf course, designed by Peter Tufts III in 1976, presents a true Sandhills experience. Awarded a FOUR STAR rating by Golf Digest, the contoured fairways wind through longleaf pines and are bordered by a landscape of azaleas, magnolias and dogwoods.
This is a Tour favorite and if you have not played here before, it will become one of yours as well.
2000 Seven Lakes South
Seven Lakes, NC 27376
888 - 47LAKES
To sign-up, call Bruce Hallenbeck at 336-495-6556 or email him at
Senior Tour Sign-up & Pay Online Here
Event Info:
Seven Lakes Country Club
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Physical Address:
To reserve your place and to sign-up, please reply to this email, sign-up on-line or call Bruce Hallenbeck.
2011 Defending Flight Winners:
Championship Flight (6556)
Chuck Latham - 73
A Flight (6154)
Mike Johnson - 73
B Flight (6154)
Dexter Barbee - 79
C Flight (6154)
Brian Costine - 85
Know Someone Who Has Back or Leg Pain?
Several weeks ago we learned about a new device for treating back pain and sciatica that promised amazing results.Of course we were very skeptical but did some research, read many testimonials and saw that it was clinically trialed. We were surprised at the results and wanted to share this with Tour Members.Several who had been suffering from various types of back pain and sciatica noticed immediate improvement.If you know someone who would be remotely interested, you need to click on the link below and get them to order right away. Now you can get it in 5 days but no one can confirm that they will have any left by the time you get this newsletter... What is it?
A new, safe and easy alternative for back pain sufferers. It is a unique product that affords users clinic quality spinal decompression wherever and whenever it's needed, with absolutely no inversion.
The Clinically Trialed Back Pain Solution
One of the testimonial was from Doris, who is now 93, telling how she struggled with chronic back and leg pain for over 30 years...She told about all the treatments she tried... multiple surgeries, cortisone injections, chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage - you name it and she likely tried it...All the "experts" said nothing could be done (which is what many often say after their treatments fail)...She said she felt that the past 30 years were lost and this is something you will hear all the time and I'm sure you can relate to... maybe you haven't suffered this long but I'm sure you know the feeling...Anyway, she went on to say that she has made a "miraculous recovery" (her words) and what really surprised her was how quickly she got relief...Here's a paragraph from her letter:"After viewing the 30 second video demonstration I thought that it looked easy enough for someone of my age to use. This was true and after the first time using it I felt quite an improvement. But after two weeks of use now I'm completely pain free." In addition to decompressing her spine, Doris said she also implemented some of nutritional recommendations, like cutting way back on wheat, sugar, dairy and grain-fed meats...This device was designed to decompress the spine, much like an inversion table... and you've probably heard about how one of the biggest causes of back, neck and sciatic pain is excessive compression (or squeezing together) of the discs.Research has already proven that decompression is one of the most effective treatments for addressing all sorts of back issues...
The Clinically Trialed Decompression Solution
Bermuda Run, NC
May 31, 2012
Raleigh's Don Moore and Greensboro's Travis Jones emerged as sudden-death playoff winners in the Senior Amateur Golf Tour event held at Bermuda Run Country Club's West Course.
Moore's win came in Championship Flight competition, while Jones was "tops" in the C Flight. " It was nice to have my first Tour win come in a playoff", said Moore, who had lost in a playoff in his Tour debut earlier this month. Lewisville's Eddie McBride equalled Moore's 74 in regulation play, but was "out-steadied" in the playoff. "Just a question of time 'til Don was gonna break through", said Tour Director Bruce Hallenbeck. "He's got plenty of game".
Travis Jones meanwhile, edged Archdale's Elby Hatfield with a par on their 1st playoff hole to take the C Flight crown. Both players fired torrid 82s on their original 18 holes. "Travis has been dealing with a bad back lately", noted Hallenbeck. "The medicine held up for me today", quipped Jones.
Two Tour veterans topped the A and B Flights today. Zebulon's Randy Bunn took top honors in "A", while John Ashby of Galax, VA was the B Flight king. Bunn's 73 was 2 shots clear of Winston-Salem's Mark Robinson and Richard Gant of Pinehurst. Ashby enjoyed that same 2 stroke margin over a trio of B Flight golfers: Edward Burton of Durham, Pinehurst's Tom Kubla, and Tim Ward of Greensboro.
Next up for the Senior Tour is Seven Lakes Country Club. There are still openings for that event on a course that has been voted Moore County Course of the Year three years running. Any amateur golfer over 50 can contact Hallenbeck at 336-495-6556 to reserve a spot in that event.
CHAMPIONSHIP (6069 yds )
Don Moore, Raleigh 74
Eddie McBride, Lewisville 74
Doug Masters, Clemmons 79
Terry Collins, Pinehurst 80
Jim Gammon, Eden 81
A FLIGHT (6069 yds)
Randy Bunn, Zebulon 73
Mark Robinson, Winston-Salem 75
Richard Gant, Pinehurst 75
Ron Vanderklok, Advance 76
Tom Fagerli, Yadkinville 76
George Paris, Durham 76
B FLIGHT (5802 yds)
John Ashby, Galax, VA 75
Edward Burton, Durham 77
Tom Kubla, Pinehurst 77
Tim Ward, Greensboro 77
Jeff Moore, Burlington 78
Neil Bleau, Durham 78
Ed Zieglar, Pinehurst 78
C FLIGHT (5802 yds)
Travis Jones, Greensboro 82
Elby Hatfield, Archdale 82
Donald Brown, Kernersville 84
Jim Pritchett, Winston-Salem 86
Rudy Binder, Greensboro 87
Where are you in the Point Standings Race?
There is great competition for the Top 10 golfers in each Flight which gets you a berth to the National Tournament in Pinehurst.
To see where you stand click here:
Raleigh/Pinehurst Senior Tour Point Standings
Triad Senior Tour Point Standings
Click Here for Sr. Tour 2012 Schedule
Senior Amateur Golf Tour Schedule
Triad and Raleigh-Pinehurst Tour
Question from Week #148
Read the following four statements:
1. A player brushes his hand on the putting green (not on his line of putt) to check the grain.
2. A player brushes his hand on his line of putt on the putting green to remove clumps of sand.
3 A player brushes his hand on the fringe (not on his line of play) to check the grain.
4. A player brushes his hand on his line of play on the fringe to remove clumps of sand.
Which of these above actions results in a penalty?
a. Statements1 and 3.
b. Statements 1, 2 and 3
c. Statements 1 and 4
d. Statements 1, 3 and 4.
e All four actions result in a penalty.
The correct answer is c, statements 1 and 4 result in penalty.
In either breach the penalty would be loss-of-hole in match play or 2 strokes for stroke play.
To get this answer correct you must know what actions are prohibited and under what circumstances. A combination of Definitions and Rules provide you with the necessary references.
Action 1 is prohibited by Rule 16-1d, Testing Surface. Rubbing to check the grain is clearly testing the surface of the putting green and prohibited.
Action 2 is permitted. From the Definition of Loose Impediment: sand or loose soil on the putting green is deemed a loose impediment. Rule 16-1a permits the player to touch the line of putt to remove loose impediments. There is no restriction on the method the player employs for removal provide he does not press anything down.
Action 3 is permitted. The prohibitions for testing the surface of any part of the golf course by touching with your hand only applies to the putting green or any hazard. R19-1d and R13-4). Consider anytime you make a practice swing, you are effectively testing the surface and, of course, that is permitted through the green.
Action 4 is prohibited. Again the Definition of Loose Impediment is the reference. Sand or loose soil not on the putting green is NOT a loose impediment and the player may not remove it if it could improve his line of play (R13-2).
Remember the writers of the Joint Rules of Golf Committee attempt to keep the necessary wording to convey a precise meaning to a minimum number of words. Rather than list every action permitted by a player, it is more efficient to simply cover those specific circumstances where certain actions are prohibited.
Click on any of links below or the Banners at right to see the special products and in some cases special pricing available to you. They will be rotated each week.
EcoloBlue - produces Atmospheric Water Generators that produce pure water from the humidity in the air. Incredible product and has optional solar panels. I am sure even the engineers would appreciate this one.
Senior Amateur Full Leaderboard
Bermuda Run Country Club
Quick Links...
E-mail Bruce Hallenbeck
Join the Senior Tour
Senior Amateur Homepage
Check out our links section for additional info or call, write or email Bruce Hallenbeck at 336-495-6556 or or
Sign-up for Your Favorite Courses in 2012
Save 5% off 120 credits or more at (minimum $175 purchase). Enter promo code ISTOCKEX5 at checkout. Offer valid through 6.30.12.
Cick Banner
Tour Weather Guidelines
Primarily, we adhere to the same guidelines that the PGA Tour uses: If the course is open, we're going to play.
The only exception to this is that I'll never put any of you in harm's way during an event because of dangerous weather. (i.e. - lightening or severe cold and wetness).
In other words, I won't let the course "bully" us into playing where an unsafe condition might exist.
Because I arrive at every event at least two hours prior to the start time and I generally have to leave my house at least an hour before that to get to the course, there is no sense calling me just before the event, because I won't be at the office. The best avenue to take is to call the course if the weather seems threatening.
If you are on the roster for the event, and you do not get a cancellation notice from the course after calling them, you are expected to show up in time for the scheduled shotgun start.