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"Where Amateurs Play Like Pros"
Senior Amateur Golf Tour
Triad and Raleigh-Pinehurst Tours
Forward this e-Letter to Friends & Invite Them to Join You on Tour - Use Link on Bottom Left.
The Greensboro (Farm)
e-newsletter Summary
July 20, 2012
Congratulations to all Chapel Ridge Winners and the score of 66 by Mark Craige.
Where are you in the end-of-year Point Standing Race? Will you secure your spot to the National Tour at Pinehurst? See links at bottom of e-newsletter to see where you stand.
Rules Review question this week helps you better understand when you can and can not add a club during a round.
Check the Full Leaderboard at the bottom of the newsletter to see how you fared against the competition in your flight.
We see more of you getting comfortable with clicking and buying online from the comfort of your home and having products shipped to your door.
A new product helps reduce back and leg pain. Please click on the video link.
Other products and services will continue to be added and we know you will find these services and prices to your liking and advantage as well. Let us know what other products you would like to see added and your experience when ordering here.
To sign-up for any Tournament, call Bruce Hallenbeck at 336-495-6556 or email him at
Senior Tour Sign-up & Pay Online Here
Event Info:
Greensboro (Farm)
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Farm Club5121 Hedrick Dr,
Greensboro, NC 27410
T: (336) 288-3415
Driving Directions
To reserve your place and to sign-up, please reply to this email, sign-up on-line or call Bruce Hallenbeck.
2011 Flight Winners and Defending Champions:
To sign-up, call Bruce Hallenbeck at 336-495-6556 or email him at
"Improve your golf mental toughness 10-fold"
Every golfer has heard the saying "It's all in your head" or "Golf is 90% mental" or "Golf is the most mentally demanding sport in the world." Yet what do golfers do about it? Well, most often absolutley nothing! Not necessarily because they don't want to, but sometimes golfers actually think the mental game doesn't matter to them!
Click Here to Unlock Your Mind and Shoot Better Golf
EVERY golfer can benefit from increasing their mental toughness and harnessing the full power of thier mind!
Many golfers naively get stuck into thinking that the mental game only matters for elite players or pros who make a living golfing. Nonsense! EVERY golfer needs to use their mind properly.
It is your mind that determines how well you learn when taking lessons. (and this training course is packed with accelerated learning techniques that will have you absorbing more from lessons)
It is your mind that will allow you to set up to the ball correctly and commit to your swing (or not!).
It is your mind that will either stay focused under pressure and get you to make a smooth, fluid stroke when you need to drain an 8 footer for the win, or have you choking like a dog and collapsing like a house of cards when the heat is on!
"When you have a chance to shoot the lowest score of your life you won't choke - You Will Go Low!"
Pittsboro, NC
July 19, 2012
If you didn't post a very low score in the Senior Amateur Golf Tour event held at The Golf Club at Chapel Ridge, you weren't winning anything. All four flights were topped by impressive scores, and the top five finishers in each flight put up strong numbers as well.
The scoring barrage was led by Mark Craige of Cary in the Championship Flight with a 6-under 66 for a 5-stroke margin of victory over Raleigh's Don Moore. Craige's number was the best score posted on either the Senior or Golfweek Amateur Golf Tour for the Raleigh/Pinehurst and Triad Tours this season.
In A Flight competition, all Greensboro's Jim Eskridge did was better his age by a single stroke with a 71 and another sub-par effort. Zebulon's Randy Bunn was 3 shots back with a 74, good for 2nd. For Eskridge, a long-standing Tour member, this was his best scoring effort in over 2 seasons.
Malcolm Griffith of Holly Springs was only 1-over par to clinch the B Flt win with a 73, but he needed every good shot he hit as he barely nipped Bob Dail of Wendell by a single stroke. "We're gonna take a hard look at both Malcolm's and Bob's Tour handicaps after these scores get calculated in to see if they're still B Flight players next week", said Tour Director Bruce Hallenbeck.
Not to be outdone, Phillip Beane of Durham posted an 80, an extremely low C Flight score, to take top honors there. Even so, he was only 2 strokes clear of a trio of players - Bill McGee, also from Durham, Archdale's Elby Hatfield, and Barry Plesser, who traveled all the way from The Villages in Florida to compete in this event. "I'm taking my points back with me to Florida", said Plesser.
Next Thursday the Tour will play Greensboro Country Club - The Carlson Farm Course with a different start time of 9:00 am. There are just a few openings still available for that event.
Mark Craige, Cary 66
Don Moore, Raleigh 71
Johnny Adams, Cary 72
Chuck Taubersmith, Pinehurst 74
James Dill, Cary 74
A FLIGHT (6502 yds)
Jim Eskridge, Greensboro 71
Randy Bunn, Zebulon 74
Gary Gebauer, Southern Pines 75
Twig Avent, Durham 76
Mike Johnson, Knightdale 77
B FLIGHT (6202 yds)
Malcolm Griffith, Holly Springs 73
Bob Dail, Wendell 74
Tom Whatley, Durham 75
Darrell Hagwood, Raleigh 79
Doug Shank, Raleigh 79
Glenn Wright, Pittsboro 79
C FLIGHT (6202 yds)
Phillip Beane, Durham 80
Bill McGee, Durham 82
Elby Hatfield, Archdale 82
Barry Plesser, The Villages, FL 82
Jeff Brown, Youngsville 83
Wayne Jones, Cary 83
James Eatmon, Sims 83
Where are you in the Point Standings Race?
There is great competition for the Top 10 golfers in each Flight which gets you a berth to the National Tournament in Pinehurst.
To see where you stand click here:
Raleigh/Pinehurst Senior Tour Point Standings
Triad Senior Tour Point Standings
Click Here for Sr. Tour 2012 Schedule
Senior Amateur Golf Tour Schedule
Triad and Raleigh-Pinehurst Tour
If you do not have a Rules of Golf book handy, go to:
If you have any questions pertaining to this or previous quizzes, please ask.
What’s the Score? #155:
From the fairway, Mike bladed his second shot over the green. Upon reaching the putting green, Mike realizes his ball is OB. He lifts his ball and returns to the fairway.
Because he made no divot with his previous stroke, Mike is uncertain of the exact spot to drop his ball. Mike recalls there was a dandelion beside his original ball, so he picks one dandelion from several in the area and uses it to estimate the spot for the drop of his ball. When the ball is dropped it rolls forward of the chosen dandelion by about a foot. Mike hits this ball on the green and takes one putt to complete the hole.
Mike’s score for the hole is:
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
C is correct.
Mike hit his ball 4 times and had 3 penalty strokes
(1-stroke: R27-1 & LoH / 2-stroke: R20-7). The penalty stroke associated with R27-1, Ball Out of Bounds is obvious, the penalty associated with Rule 20-7, Wrong Place is less so.
When a player is required to or chooses to play a ball from the spot of his previous stroke and the location of that spot is not precisely known, the spot must be estimated and the player is required to drop as close to that spot as possible (R20-2b). Mike correctly estimated that spot as a specific dandelion.
Remember, anytime we are putting a ball in play under this or similar circumstances, we must always have a reference point for determining “nearer the hole than...” for deciding the need to re-drop. This reference point may be our nearest point of relief, the point of last crossing on the margin of a water hazard, the point where our ball lay unplayable, the point where our ball lay embedded, the spot of our last stroke, or as in this case an estimated spot. When we drop a ball under a Rule, if the ball rolls closer to the hole than one of the just mentioned specific spots, we are required to re-drop (R 20-2c, vii). In Mike’s situation, he estimated his original position to be a specific dandelion. When he dropped his ball using this estimated spot, and the ball came to rest nearer the hole, he was required to re-drop.
When Mike failed to re-drop, then made a stroke at his ball, he played from a wrong place. In a match, Mike would have lost the hole. In stroke play, Mike is assessed a two stroke penalty and must play out the hole with the ball played from the wrong place. This would not be viewed as a serious breach.
If a similar situation happens to you, and you do not have precise estimate of the spot, place a tee in the ground to mark your “estimated spot”. Treat this tee then as your point for applying the Rules.
Click on any of links below or the Banners at right to see the special products and in some cases special pricing available to you. They will be rotated each week.
EcoloBlue - produces Atmospheric Water Generators that produce pure water from the humidity in the air. Incredible product and has optional solar panels. I am sure even the engineers would appreciate this one.
Senior Amateur Full Leaderboard
Chapel Ridge
Champ & A: White Tees; Rating - 71.1; Slope - 123; Yard - 6502 B & C: Yellow Tees; Rating- 69.8; Slope- 120; Yards- 6202
TTour Weather Guidelines
Primarily, we adhere to the same guidelines that the PGA Tour uses: If the course is open, we're going to play.
The only exception to this is that I'll never put any of you in harm's way during an event because of dangerous weather. (i.e. - lightening or severe cold and wetness).
In other words, I won't let the course "bully" us into playing where an unsafe condition might exist.
Because I arrive at every event at least two hours prior to the start time and I generally have to leave my house at least an hour before that to get to the course, there is no sense calling me just before the event, because I won't be at the office. The best avenue to take is to call the course if the weather seems threatening.
If you are on the roster for the event, and you do not get a cancellation notice from the course after calling them, you are expected to show up in time for the scheduled shotgun start.
Quick Links...
E-mail Bruce Hallenbeck
Join the Senior Tour
Senior Amateur Homepage
Check out our links section for additional info or call, write or email Bruce Hallenbeck at 336-495-6556 or or
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